Eat Good
Foods For Life

New Brand Name


Self Initiated Project

Food & Health Mobile App in partnership with Chris Dane


Product Design & Strategy

The Problem

Obesity prevalence in English adults increased from 15% in 1993 to 27% in 2015 (NHS Digital: Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, March 2017)

‘Inflammatory foods’ can trigger ‘chronic inflammation’, which has been linked to numerous serious health problems.

The healthiest foods, such as ‘anti-inflammatory foods’ or so-called ‘super foods’ can help fight obesity and inflammation—but many people don’t eat these foods regularly, if at all, and behaviour change is hard.

No simple product exists to help people make the right food choices, create better food habits, and ultimately live healthier lives.

The Audience

Estimated 11m adult obese smartphone users in the UK alone, many with rudimentary goals of losing weight or eating less badly.

People with health conditions could benefit from introducing more anti-inflammatory foods or super foods into their diets.

Many others are simply looking for ways to adopt ‘cleaner’ eating habits that make them feel and be healthier.

The Competition

Many products are competing for these audiences, but we see a gap for a simple, complimentary, and intelligently designed experience.

The Solution

An experience architecture that helps people make the right food choices, create better habits, and ultimately live healthier lives.

Introducing Tumee

A mobile app that helps people make the right food choices, create better habits, and ultimately live healthier lives.

I designed a playful app using simple shapes and colours all centered around a tummy character in which users drag outer circles into it's mouth mimicking the aspect of digestion. The app was segmented into 3 key areas, 'CHOOSE' the foods from a list, 'TRACK' the foods you are taking during the weeks, and then 'REVIEW' the 9 week progress and see which foods have been adopted into your lifestyle. In the list view, users can read about the health benefits of the food item and with a potential revenue stream of buying them from various online stores and even recipes.